Harrington’s Free-range Ham and Bacon
Many of Harrington’s ham products are free-range, and made using pork from ‘grower pigs’. These pigs are raised for the primary purpose of meat or for transfer to a breeding herd. The grower pigs are born to sows living outdoors. The sows give birth in individual huts, which they can move in and out of freely. Newly weaned pigs may be kept for a short period in a fenced outdoor pen with a shelter, before they are fully transitioned for rearing free-range outdoors as grower pigs for the duration of their lives. This pork is used for its tenderness and succulence.
Harrington’s Free-range Pork Sausages
Harrington’s sausages are made using the meat from sows, which are adult female pigs that have had one or more litter of piglets, and have lived free-range outdoors for their entire adult breeding lives. They are born outdoors to free-range sows where they live with their mothers until weaning. After weaning they are housed in eco-shelters on a straw bedding, until they return to live free-range outdoors for their entire adult breeding lives. These sows will spend at least 90% of their entire lifetime free-range outdoors. This pork provides texture and ensures a fuller flavour to our sausages.

Free-range care
There are some times when, for their wellbeing, pigs may need to spend a short amount of time indoors. For example, to receive veterinary treatment, in the case of an emergency, or if required or directed by relevant authorities, for example in the case of an exotic disease outbreak.
Under this definition of free-range, Harrington’s sources different types of pork for our different products: ham and bacon and sausages.