Our sustainable packaging is better for the planet.
The trays our delicious, handcrafted sausages come in can be recycled. Made from plant-based recycled materials, all elements of our packaging (except the soft plastic wrap sealing trays) can be recycled- even the ink on the packaging sleeve!
Following world-best practices and meeting the requirements from New Zealand’s leading retailers – including New World, Pak’n Save, and Countdown – our trays can be turned into something useful when you’re finished with them, like more trays or beverage bottles.
By using recycled material to make our trays, we’re also cutting down on problematic oil-based plastics.
Some of the District Councils around New Zealand don’t currently have the facilities for recycling the plastic in our trays (just yet), but we continue to advocate for more sustainable recycling options in all parts of New Zealand and encourage you to as well. If your local Council accepts PET plastic, all you need to do is wash the tray under your tap and leave it out for the kerbside collection.
If you have any questions about what can or (can’t be recycled) in your region, please contact your Council for more information.
Looking after our planet is a work-in-progress.
Our packaging has a job to do, and we’re doing all we practically can to cut waste. We’ll continually review our recyclable packaging and make use of new technologies to help us reduce our impact even further. We will:
- continue to advocate for all local Councils in New Zealand to have the technology to meet consumer demand for recyclable, planet-friendly packaging like ours
- keep refining our packaging to focus on recyclability, renewability, and reusability
- use only plastics that can be recycled such as PET; the material water bottles are made from
- only use paper or card which can be recycled at the kerbside
- avoid using traditional oil-based laminates, composites and coatings which prevent the material from being recovered, unlike our plant-based material which can be recycled
- stay clear of using bioplastics, and materials with composability claims, which are unregulated and contaminate recycling streams
- use understandable English labelling reminding people our packaging is recyclable.
If you’d like to know more about Harrington’s recyclable packaging, please get in touch by calling us on 04 380 6437.
Harrington’s pays the living wage.
The Living Wage concept is the hourly wage that a New Zealand worker needs to pay for the necessities of life and “participate as an active citizen in the community.”
It reflects the necessary expenses of workers and their families such as food, transportation, housing and childcare. It is calculated each year independently by the New Zealand Family Centre Social Policy Unit.
The Living Wage rate is voluntary, and for 2018 it was set at $20.55. The rate for 2019 is $21.15.
We introduced the Living Wage in 2018 because we believe in investing in our people. We have rolled out the Living Wage to all of our employed staff, as part of our goal to be an ethical employer.