Provisions – Championing and Supporting
Local Producers

Just 700 metres around the corner from Harrington’s Smallgoods’ factory in Miramar, Wellington is a new grocery store, featuring provisions made by local producers and companies that’s quietly disrupting the food and grocery sector.
Provisions is the newest offering from the team behind Peoples Coffee – which brings organic, Fairtrade coffee to New Zealanders. Provisions is a farmer’s market in a corner store and an incubator for the many Kiwis who are making and creating sustainable, good for you and locally produced food and goods. It’s also where you will find Harrington’s Smallgoods Ultimate Bacon.
James Beyer, General Manager for Peoples, said the concept for a Provisions store came to the team during Level 4 Lockdown.
“Overnight we lost 90% of our trade, we saw this as an opportunity to live our company values so we decided to keep all our staff on, and we asked ourselves, how do we have fun through this? The answer was Provisions.
“Within four weeks, we had an online store, and then we found our Miramar store. Within ten days we had fitted out the store, building it from the ground up. We found the shelves on Trade Me, and together our team made it a reality,” says James Beyer.
We are a specialty grocer focused on uniting & supporting local producers.
Their ultimate vision is for each town in New Zealand to have a Provisions, featuring ultra-local makers. Their first store, in Miramar, features producers from Newtown, Miramar, Hataitai and the surrounding suburbs. James says on opening day, three local producers visited to ask if their goods could be stocked, which is what they’re all about.
We want to tell their stories and build a relationship between their products and our customers.
“We’ve run a ‘Meet the Makers’ series, where people talk to the creators behind the products – which have been hugely successful. Next, we’re looking to introduce workshops so our customers can understand more about the method and the process that goes into their favourite products,” says James Beyer.
Supporting local producers and using the best quality ingredients to craft delicious foods sits at the heart of Harrington’s Smallgoods. We work with NZ pork producers and have been vocal supporters of our local industry during the global pandemic.
Angus Black, Harrington’s General Manager, believes people should know where their food has come from and wants to encourage more Kiwis to choose products made from 100% New Zealand pork.
“Covid-19 has encouraged people to really support local – not just buying products from local stores but seeking out people who make products using New Zealand sourced ingredients. We are excited to support Peoples Provisions in their vision to champion local makers in the communities in which they operate,” says Angus Black.
You can visit Provisions at 91 Park Road, Miramar or online here.